Webinar for Standard Drafters: Enquiries and Formal Vote
After covering the basics, we get into the main event for Standard Drafters during this webinar: Enquiries and Formal Vote! Amy Jayne and Jens will take you through everything to do with Enquiry and Formal Vote stage, including time-frames, tips for drafting, editor expectations, the editing itself, and more! [...]
Webinar for Standard Drafters: 'All About the Internal Regulations – Part 3 (IR3).'
Join Amy Jayne during this webinar for a comprehensive overview of the key rules in the Internal Regulations Part 3:2022, with some context and clarifications on how to apply them in your deliverable. Bring your questions along and we’ll answer them live! [...]
European Harmonized Standards: A Journey from Legal Framework to Citation in the Official Journal of the European Union
European Standards are at the core of the Single Market. Over the last 30 years, the European Standardization System has delivered more than 3600 harmonized standards, allowing industry and SMEs to demonstrate compliance with EU law in a resource and cost-efficient way. European standards and technical specifications promote inter-operability, the safety of EU citizens and the protection of the environment, increasing consumer confidence. To contribute to improving the quality of European standards, CEN and CENELEC, with the support of the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), are organizing seminars dedicated to supporting standards drafters. [...]
Webinar for Standard Drafters: 'Drafting 101 - Getting Started with Drafting your European standards'
The CEN and CENELEC "Webinars for standard drafters" are of interest of all persons drafting CEN and/or CENELEC standards. They aim primarily Technical Body Secretaries and TC Working Group convenors. Through these webinars we will achieve a common understanding of the drafting rules and the related procedures. This is also an ideal opportunity for the CEN and CENELEC editors to better understand the expectations of the Technical Body Officers and strengthen the working relationships with the different Technical Bodies. [...]
Webinar 'New process for harmonized standards under parallel development'
The objective of this webinar is to describe the new process for harmonized standards that are developed in parallel with ISO and IEC. The goal of this new process is to improve the timely delivery of compliant EN ISO/IEC harmonised Standards, by building on principles of the innovative process, while minimizing interferences with international project timeframes. The new process applies to all projects under parallel development reaching the CD stage at ISO and IEC level. [...]
Webinar 'CENELEC BOSS: Preparation and Submission of Files editing guidance'
This webinar is a presentation of the updated drafting guidance found on the CENELEC BOSS. The speaker, Editor Amy Jayne Conley, will take you through the new pages, and show you in real-time where you can find easy-to-digest drafting guidance, templates, and other useful resources that will help you with the drafting procedure, allowing you to save time where it counts. [...]
Webinar 'Gap-analysis of harmonised standards for machinery against the new Machinery Regulation'
One main priority in 2024 for all TCs responsible for harmonized standards for machinery will be a gap-analysis for all harmonized standards that are today listed in the OJEU under the Machinery Directive. In this webinar, the European Policy Officer for machinery will remind participants of the most important changes which have been made by the Machinery Regulation in the essential requirements. More importantly, the webinar will explain to participants the objectives, timeframe and way to carry out the gap-analysis. In this context, a tool will be demonstrated through which the TCs will be asked to include the input. [...]
Webinar for CENELEC TBOs - New process for the approval of NWI, including TS & TR
CLC/BT recently agreed to a new process to approve new work items by skipping final CLC/BT approval. The new process is implemented via new IT tools aiming at facilitating the operations for TBOs and reducing errors. Furthermore, CLC/BT approved also a new process to allow Technical Bodies for more flexibility in the development of homegrown Technical Specifications (TSs) & Technical Reports (TRs). This webinar will provide participants with a detailed insight into the new process for approving WIs, also for TSs and TRs. It will focus in particular on the use of new IT tools which allow TBOs to implement the new processes starting from 7th of March 2024. [...]
Webinar 'Innovative process for homegrown harmonised standards (hENs)'
The objective of this new process is to improve the timely delivery of compliant harmonised Standards (hENs) by shifting the focus and the efforts for compliance at the beginning of the development process and introducing the new CCMC Quality Check (QC). The innovative process applies only to hENs which are submitted to the EC consultants’ assessment. [...]