Webinar 'Innovative process for homegrown harmonised standards (hENs)'
The objective of this new process is to improve the timely delivery of compliant harmonised Standards (hENs) by shifting the focus and the efforts for compliance at the beginning of the development process and introducing the new CCMC Quality Check (QC). The innovative process applies only to hENs which are submitted to the EC consultants’ assessment. [...]
Webinar 'Matrix of responsibilities for requesting common modifications to IEC standards and the inclusion of Annex Z/(ZA) in IEC Standards'
This webinar aims to provide first-hand information to CENELEC Technical Bodies on the functioning and state-of-play of the process to request Common Modifications to projects in parallel with IEC, and at the inclusion of Annex Z and Annex ZA during the parallel development. We will provide further guidance and explain roles and responsibilities of the different parties as well as emphasis the right moment to introduce requests and make the relevant documentation available. [...]
Webinar ‘Measures to comply with new EU Reg. 2022/2480 amending EU Reg. 1025/2012’
This webinar intends to explain what measures CEN and CENELEC have put in place in order to timely respond to the new provisions of the EU Reg. 2022/2480 amending EU Reg. 1025/2012, published on 19 December 2022 in the OJEU. The new regulation shall be applied as of 9 July 2023. [...]
Webinar 'Harmonized standards under CPR: CPR Acquis, Fast-track and standardization request development process'
This webinar will provide participants with the latest developments regarding the preparation of harmonized standards and standardization requests under the Construction Products Regulation. It will include: • Routes for preparation of hENs under the CPR: Mandates, CPR Acquis and fast-track • Standardization request development process • Tools to support Technical Committees to develop harmonized standards under CPR [...]
Webinar 'Presentation of the new EC/HAS ESOs Common checklist'
The common checklist is a basis for ESOs and their Technical Bodies for self-assessment of standards under a standardization request (SReq) to ensure fulfilment of a SReq, EU legislation requirements and other possible European Commission (EC) criteria. This new common checklist will replace the actual Checklist for harmonized standards (hENs). The goal of this webinar is to present this new common checklist and describe the main differences with the previous one. [...]
Webinar ‘Measures to comply with new EU Reg. 2022/2480 amending EU Reg. 1025/2012’
This webinar intends to explain what measures CEN and CENELEC have put in place in order to timely respond to the new provisions of the EU Reg. 2022/2480 amending EU Reg. 1025/2012, published on 19 December 2022 in the OJEU. The new regulation shall be applied as of 9 July 2023. [...]
Webinar 'The functioning of the HAS system, interactions with HAS consultants and best practices'
This webinar will aim to provide first-hand information to CEN and CENELEC Technical Committees on the functioning and state-of-play of the HAS system, and best practices to ensure smooth cooperation between the different actors/stakeholders. During this session, CEN and CENELEC, together with Ernst & Young (EY) will provide guidance to Technical Committees on how to interact with HAS consultants, clarify the role of HAS consultants and provide hands-on information on the use of the EY tools developed for this purpose. [...]