This webinar will provide participants with practical information regarding the preparation of CEN & CENELEC harmonized standards to be cited in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU) under the Machinery Directive. It will include:
- Detailed explanation of the guidance on informative Annex ZA/ZZ for Machinery Directive (points 1-10) as approved by the CEN and CENELEC BTs.
- Advice on how to write the informative Annex ZA/ZZ for Machinery Directive given by experienced experts;
- Informative Annex ZA/ZZ for Machinery Directive: real-life examples, good practices and how to avoid mistakes.
Target audience: TC and WG Officers and experts from CEN, CENELEC, ISO and IEC that are involved in the work on harmonized standards under the Machinery Directive in particular on the informative Annex ZA/ZZ for Machinery Directive